Material Specification
Bound Fiber PPP-C-1120, Type III or IV, Class C Rubber, Latex Foam MIL-R-5001, Grade A
Rubber, Cellular MIL-R-6130, Grade A Fibrous Glass MIL-C-17435
Polystyrene Foam MIL-P-19644, Type II Rubber Cellular Synthetic MIL-R-20092, Class 5
Polyurethane Foam MIL-P-26514
Polyurethane Foam, Flexible, Open Cell MIL-P-81334
Foam in Place Packaging, Materials: General Specification for
Foam, Combustion Retardant for Cushioning
Supply Items Aboard Navy Ships
MIL-F-87090 (SA)
6.6 Alternate ultrasonic inspection procedure. Consideration may be
given to alternate ultrasonic inspection procedures. These procedures must be
reviewed by the Command or agency concerned.
6.7 General information (material availability).
6.7.1 Age hardened. Age hardened material is supplied with thin, dark oxide finish in all forms, excepting bright finished cold drawn shafting and smooth machined rounds.
6.7.2 Shafting. Bright finish, cold drawn and age hardened shafting is available in round rods for shafting. The bright finish consists of grinding or polishing to remove the light oxide film resulting from the age hardening treatment.
6.7.3 Bolts. Hot finished round rod with a cold drawn pass is available to close tolerances for hot upsetting of bolts. The tolerances are such as to meet the requirements of class 3A of American Standard screw thread.
6.7.4 Annealed sheet and strip. Annealed sheet and strip is furnished with a plain finish resulting from descaling or annealing in an atmosphere that yields a bright finish.
6.7.5 Hardened strip. Half and full hard strip is furnished with a surface varying from bright to slight oxide discoloration.
6.7.6 Allowances on hot finished material. When ordering hot finished material, allowances should be made as listed in table XXIII to allow for clean-up to the users finished cross-sectional dimensions.
6.8 Hot working cautions.
6.8.1 Cooling. Material should not be cooled slowly following hot working operations. Slow cooling will result in self hardening as cooling
takes place through the precipitation hardening range. Generally, sections �
inch thick and smaller will air cool or can be cooled with an air blast
rapidly enough to prevent self hardening, provided the parts are not piled one
on top or against each other. Sections over � inch are normally water
6.8.2 Interruption of forging operation. Should a forging operation on this material be interrupted to the extent that the heated bars are likely to
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